function cli_show_cookiebar(p) { var Cookie = { set: function(name,value,days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else var expires = ""; document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/"; }, read: function(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') { c = c.substring(1,c.length); } if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) === 0) { return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } } return null; }, erase: function(name) { this.set(name,"",-1); }, exists: function(name) { return ( !== null); } }; var ACCEPT_COOKIE_NAME = 'viewed_cookie_policy', ACCEPT_COOKIE_EXPIRE = 365, html = p.html, json_payload = p.settings; // Edit 09/05: // Replaced eval with JSON.parse. See for support (sorry IE7 users but you're dinosaurs these days...) //var settings = eval('(' + json_payload +')'); if (typeof JSON.parse !== "function") { console.log("CookieLawInfo requires JSON.parse but your browser doesn't support it"); return; } var settings = JSON.parse(json_payload); jQuery('body').prepend(html); var cached_header = jQuery(settings.notify_div_id), cached_showagain_tab = jQuery(settings.showagain_div_id), btn_accept = jQuery('#cookie_hdr_accept'), btn_decline = jQuery('#cookie_hdr_decline'), btn_moreinfo = jQuery('#cookie_hdr_moreinfo'), btn_settings = jQuery('#cookie_hdr_settings'); cached_header.hide(); if ( !settings.showagain_tab ) { cached_showagain_tab.hide(); } var hdr_args = { 'background-color': settings.background, 'color': settings.text, 'font-family': settings.font_family }; var showagain_args = { 'background-color': settings.background, 'color': l1hs(settings.text), 'position': 'fixed', 'font-family': settings.font_family }; if ( settings.border_on ) { var border_to_hide = 'border-' + settings.notify_position_vertical; showagain_args['border'] = '1px solid ' + l1hs(settings.border); showagain_args[border_to_hide] = 'none'; } if ( settings.notify_position_vertical == "top" ) { if ( settings.border_on ) { hdr_args['border-bottom'] = '4px solid ' + l1hs(settings.border); } = '0'; } else if ( settings.notify_position_vertical == "bottom" ) { if ( settings.border_on ) { hdr_args['border-top'] = '4px solid ' + l1hs(settings.border); } hdr_args['position'] = 'fixed'; hdr_args['bottom'] = '0'; showagain_args.bottom = '0'; } if ( settings.notify_position_horizontal == "left" ) { showagain_args.left = settings.showagain_x_position; } else if ( settings.notify_position_horizontal == "right" ) { showagain_args.right = settings.showagain_x_position; } cached_header.css( hdr_args ); cached_showagain_tab.css( showagain_args ); if (!Cookie.exists(ACCEPT_COOKIE_NAME)) { displayHeader(); } else { cached_header.hide(); } // Show once code: if ( settings.show_once_yn ) { setTimeout(close_header, settings.show_once); } function close_header() { Cookie.set(ACCEPT_COOKIE_NAME, 'yes', ACCEPT_COOKIE_EXPIRE); hideHeader(); } var main_button = jQuery('.cli-plugin-main-button'); main_button.css( 'color', settings.button_1_link_colour ); if ( settings.button_1_as_button ) { main_button.css('background-color', settings.button_1_button_colour); main_button.hover(function() { jQuery(this).css('background-color', settings.button_1_button_hover); }, function() { jQuery(this).css('background-color', settings.button_1_button_colour); }); } var main_link = jQuery('.cli-plugin-main-link'); main_link.css( 'color', settings.button_2_link_colour ); if ( settings.button_2_as_button ) { main_link.css('background-color', settings.button_2_button_colour); main_link.hover(function() { jQuery(this).css('background-color', settings.button_2_button_hover); }, function() { jQuery(this).css('background-color', settings.button_2_button_colour); }); } // Action event listener for "show header" event: { cached_showagain_tab.slideUp(settings.animate_speed_hide, function slideShow() { cached_header.slideDown(settings.animate_speed_show); }); }); // Action event listener to capture delete cookies shortcode click. This simply deletes the viewed_cookie_policy cookie. To use: // Delete Cookies jQuery("#cookielawinfo-cookie-delete").click(function() { Cookie.erase(ACCEPT_COOKIE_NAME); return false; }); // Action event listener for debug cookies value link. To use: // Show Cookie Value jQuery("#cookielawinfo-debug-cookie").click(function() { alert("Cookie value: " +; return false; }); // action event listeners to capture "accept/continue" events: jQuery("#cookie_action_close_header").click(function() { // Set cookie then hide header: Cookie.set(ACCEPT_COOKIE_NAME, 'yes', ACCEPT_COOKIE_EXPIRE); if (settings.notify_animate_hide) { cached_header.slideUp(settings.animate_speed_hide); } else { cached_header.hide(); } cached_showagain_tab.slideDown(settings.animate_speed_show); return false; }); function displayHeader() { if (settings.notify_animate_show) { cached_header.slideDown(settings.animate_speed_show); } else {; } cached_showagain_tab.hide(); } function hideHeader() { if (settings.notify_animate_show) { cached_showagain_tab.slideDown(settings.animate_speed_show); } else {; } cached_header.slideUp(settings.animate_speed_show); } }; function l1hs(str){if(str.charAt(0)=="#"){str=str.substring(1,str.length);}else{return "#"+str;}return l1hs(str);}